Dragon is by the awesome multi champion producer --
Multi Ch Gottabe's Spot the Winner and the beautiful Multi Ch producer
IABCA CH Bluegrass Calamity Jane from Twin Pines kennels. This was a combined effort
by the three of us that laid the foundation of Blackbriar.
Dragon and his sister Maven, from the beginning far exceeded my expectations in everything I could want
in an Aussie! As a puppy he was a laugh a minute and has never lost his exuberance for life and the task at hand.
Dragon started his show career totally by accident -- he was going through a stage called "the puppy uglies" having
lost most of his baby coat. I had entered his sister and just taken Dragon along for the ride.
His sister at first just didn't want to cooperate and not wanting to pressure her too much on her first long road trip (Sac
CA to Seattle WA), I scratched her and entered the "nakie pup" for the experience. I was more
than pleasantly surprised when he proceeded to take six Best of Breed and Herding Group 1s and 4 of the 6 Best in Shows-- against
pups that had won their specialty shows the same day!
Dragon is semi-retired from the show ring and won't be doing ride alongs (he kinda gets his nickers in a
twist, if we go to a show and he doesn't get to go into the ring -- he knows he is the most handsome! ). We are focusing
on other venues, i.e., couch potato, spoiled homebody
My thanks to Karen and Dave Kipp at Twin Pines and
Lori McClelland from Gottabe Aussies for believing in me and allowing me to produce my special guy Dragon and his sister